1. There are 3 boxes each one contains Apples,Oranges and "Apples and Oranges" respectively.
2. There are three labels "Apples", "Oranges" and "Apple and Oranges".
3. Each Box is labelled wrongly i.e, The box labelled with Apples doesn't contains apples.
How could you label correctly by opening only one box?
Open the Box labelled with "Apples and Oranges".
1. if it has Apples then the box labelled with "Apples" must contain Oranges.
because if it has mixed fruits then the box labelled with "Oranges" should contain Oranges which is not wrong.
2. Other one labelled with "Oranges" has mixed fruits.
1. if it has Oranges then the box labelled with "Oranges" must contain Apples.
because if it has mixed fruits then the box labelled with "Apples" should contain Apples which is not wrong label.
2. Other one labelled with "Apples" has mixed fruits.