
Time : 300 sec
1.   How to write comments in shell script?
1. # Commnets goes here
2. // Commnets goes here
3. /* Commnets goes here */
4. <!-- Comments Goes here -->

2.  What is the extension of shell script?
1. .sh
2. .shell
3. .script
4. none

3.   How to execute shell script files?
1. sh filename.sh
2. execute filename.sh
3. exe filename
4. none

4.  How to set readonly variables?
1. use readonly
2. use const
3. use _const_
4. use _fix_

5. What happens if we execute ‘echo $$’; ?
1. prints current process id
2. prints current file name
3. prints number arguments
4. prints all arguments

6. What is the use of $0?
1. prints current process id
2. prints current file name
3. prints number arguments
4. prints all arguments

7. What is the use of $*?
1.  prints current process id
2.  prints current file name
3. prints current file name
4. prints all arguments

8.  What is the use of $#?
1. prints current process id
2. prints current file name
3. prints number arguments
4. prints all arguments

9.  What is the use of break?
1. comes out of loop
2. continues the loop to break process
3. stops the execution
4. skip current iteration and goes for next iteration in loop

10. What is the use continue?
1. comes out of loop
2. continues the loop to break process
3. stops the execution
4. skip current iteration and goes for next iteration in loop