
Time : 300 sec
1. What is PHP Full form?
1. processing highlevel programs
2. Hypertext Pre Processor
3.  Process Hyper Text Programs
4. none

2.  in b/w which tags we can write the php code?
1. <?php and ?>
2. <tag> and </tag>
3. <php>...</php>
4. <?php ?php>

3. How to print output in php?
1. Document.Write("Hello World");
2. echo "Hello World";
3. "Hello World";
4. none

4. which one is correct variable?
1. _var_name=2;
2. varname=2;
3. $vaname=2;
4. #varname=2;

5.which one we use to read form data in php(if we put method="POST" inside from)?
1. $_GET
2. $_POST
3. $_READ

6. if we use the POST method then  variables will be displayed in the URL:
1. true
2. false
3.        both
4.        none

7. how to include file in php?
1. include "filephp";
2. import "filephp";
3. import "filephp";
4. include->filephp;

8. how to define function?
1. function myFunction() { // code goes here }
2. myFunction(){ // code goes here }
3. fun myFunction(){ // code goes here }
4. none

9. What is a correct way to add a comment in PHP?
1. <?php comment goes here ?>
2. <!-- comment goes here -->
3. <% comment goes here %>
4. /* comment goes here */

10. how to create an array in PHP?
1. $arr_name = array["value1", "value2", "value3"];
2. $arr_name = array("value1", "value2", "value3");
3. $arr_name = {"value1", "value2", "value3"};
4. none