
Time : 450 sec
1.  Timer is used to _______
1.  to know the time at present.
2. to avoid program getting stuck in an infinite loop.
3. to count system variables.
4. none.

2. what is kernel?
1. hard ware tool.
2. software tool.
3. interface between hardware and software.
4. none

3. what is process?
1. performing an action.
2. program under execution
3. dumping software into hardware
4. none

4.  Which one is not state of the process?
1. new
2. running
3. fail
4. terminate

5. Fork() is a system call which is used to create a separate, duplicate process?
1.  true
2. false
3. both
4. none

6. Context switch needs saving of the current process and a  restoring state of a different process.
1.  true
2.  false
3. both
4. none

7.  which one comes under inter process communication?
1.  shared memory 
2.  message passing
3. both 1 & 2
4.  context switch

8. A socket is identified by an IP address concatenated with a port number?
1. true
2. false
3. both
4. none

9.  What is semaphore?
1. flag variable used to find that whether process is in critical section or not.
2. system call used to execute kernel functions
3. function to find procee state.
4. none

10. Benifit of multiple Threading is Increase responsiveness to the user.
1. true
2. false
3. both
4. none

11. Thread Pool is a container which holds multiple threads?
1.  True
2.  False
3. both
4. none

12. Which one is not scheduling algorithms?
1.  FCFS(FirstCome First Serve)
2.  SJF(Shortest Job First)
3.  Round robin
4.  LRU

13. Which Algorithm will use time slice to switch cpu.
1.  FCFS(FirstCome First Serve)
2.  SJF(Shortest Job First)
3.  Round robin
4.  none

14. Which algorithm gives minimum average waiting time?
1.  FCFS(FirstCome First Serve)
2.  SJF(Shortest Job First)
3.  Round robin
4.  none

15. which one is page replacement algorithm?
1.  FIFO(First in First out)
2.  Optimal Page Replacement 
3.  LRU(Least-Recently-used) 
4.  All of the Above