
Time : 450 sec
1.Which Layer doesn't not exist in OSI model?
1. Application Layer
2. Data Link Layer
3. Session Layer
4. Export Layer

2. Error Detection and Correction happens at this Layer?
1.  Application Layer
2. Data Link Layer
3. Session Layer
4. Transport Layer

3. Session Layer?
1. maintains the  connection b/w user and server.
2. trans fer the data intrems of bits
3. transfer the data in terms of bytes.
4. trans fer the data interms of frmaes

4.in which Layer the HTTP Protocol exist.
1. Application Layer
2. Data Link Layer
3. Session Layer
4. Transport Layer

5. Which Layesr Does not exist in TCP Layer?
1. Application Layer
2. Data Link Layer
3. Session Layer
4. Physical Layer

6. in which Layer the ICMP and IGMP Protocol exist?
1. Application Layer 
2. Transport Layer 
3. Internet Layer 
4. DataLink Layer 

7.  in which Layer the TCP/IP  Protocol exist?
1.  Application Layer 
2. Transport Layer 
3. Internet Layer 
4. DataLink Layer 

8. Which one is true?
1.  TCP is COnnection Oriented but not UDP
2. UDP is unreliable protocol but not TCP
3. both 1 and 2
4. TCP and UDP both are connection less.

9. in which Layer the FTP  Protocol exist?
1. Application Layer 
2. Transport Layer 
3. Internet Layer 
4. DataLink Layer 

10. which protocol allows to login remotely?
3. FTP