
Time : 450 sec
1. which tag we use to write javascript code?
1.  <script>
2.  <scripting>
3. <javascript>
4. <js>

2. which one is best place to include javascript code?
1. <body> section
2. <div> section
3. <head> section
4. none

3. How to link external javascript file?
1. <script src="filename.js" />
2. <script href="filename.js">
3. <script link=-"filename.js">
4. none

4. How to pop up alert box?
1. alert("hello");
2. msg("hello");
3. msgBox("hello");
4. alertBox("hello");

5. How to create a function in JavaScript?
1. function myFunction(){//code here}
2. fun myFunction(){//code here }
3. myFunction(){//code here}
4. none

6. How to write  if statement in JavaScript?
1.  if (i == "value")
2. if i = "value" then 
3. if (i == "value") then
4. none

7. How to write comments in CSS?
1. // comment goes here
2. // comment goes here
3.  both 1 and 2
4. <!-- comment goes here -->

8. How to write a comment for multiple lines?
1. // comment goes here
2. /* comment goes here */
3. "comment goes here"
4. <!-- comment goes here -->

9.  how to write array in javascript?
1. var arr_name = "value1", "value2", "value3"
2. var arr_name = (1:"value1", 2:"value1", 3:"value3")
3. var arr_name = ["value1", "value1", "value3"]
4. none

10.Which event triggers when the user clicks on HTML element?
1. onmouseover
2. onclick
3. onchange
4. onmouseclick