
Time : 450 sec
1.  HTML full Form?
1.  Hyper Text Markup Language
2.  Higher Tranfer Medium Language
3.  Hyper tool Medium Layer.
4.  Higher Text Medium Layer.

2. Which will give higher size?
1. <h1>
2. <h2>
3. <h5>
4. <h4>

3. Which one is correct to insert new line?
1.  <br/>
2.  <break>
3.  <new>
4. <newline>

4. Which is correct to add background color?
1. <background>yellow</background>
2. <body background="yellow">
3. <body style="background-color:yellow;">
4. <body style="color:yellow"> 

5. Which is correct?
1. <a url="www.programmersinterview.com">www.programmersinterview.com</a>
2. <a href="www.programmersinterview.com">www.programmersinterview.com</a>
3. <a>www.programmersinterview.com</a>
4. <a link="www.programmersinterview.com">www.programmersinterview.com</a>

6. how to open a link in new window?
1. use target="_blank" in <a> tag.
2. use newtab="true" in  <a> tag
3. use open="newtab" in  <a> tag
4. you can not open

7. How to mae numbered list
1.  <dl>
2.  <ol>
3.  <list>
4.  <ul>

8. How to write check boxes in HTML?
1.  <check>
2.  <input type="check">
3.  <checkbox>
4.  <input type="checkbox">

9. How to write text box in HTML?
1.  <input type="text">
2.  <textinput type="text">
3.  <textfield>
4.  <input type="textfield">

10.  How to write dropdown in HTML??
1.  <select>
2.  <input type="dropdown">
3.  <input type="list">
4.  <list>

11.  how to display an image in HTML?
1.  <img src="image.gif">imae name </img>
2.  <img link="image.gif">imae name </img>
3.  <img alt="image.gif">imae name </img>
4. <img>imae link </img> 

12.  which tag that we use to display another web page with in our html page?
1.  <iframe>
2.  <newlink>
3.   <display>
4.  <page>

13. How to write comments in CSS?
1.  // comment goes here
2.  /* comment goes here */
3. "comment goes here"
4. <!-- comment goes here -->

14. Which tag defines the title of a document?
1. <head>
2. <title>
3. <meta>
4. <link>

15. what is the use of alt tag in image link?
1. if image don't displays then alt text will be displayed.
2. that is  used to describe the image.
3. that is used to link an image url
4. none.