
Time : 450 sec
1.  What is CSS full form?
1.  cascading style sheet
2.  custom style sheet
3.  creative style sheet
4.  colors style sheet

2.  Which syntax is correct to link an external style sheet?
1. <css>file_name.css</css>
2. <css src="file_name.css" />
3. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="filename.css">
4. <style rel="filename.css" />

3. in which section is best place to link external style sheet?
1. <head> //link here </head>
2. <body> // link here </body>
3. <footer> // link here </footer>
4. <div> // link here </div>

4.Which tag do you use to write internal styles?
1. <style>
2. <script>
3. <css>
4. <head>

5.Which tag do you use to write inline styles?
1. css
2. styles
3. style
4. font

6.which css code is correct?
1. body{color=black;}
2. body{color:black;}
3. body=color:black;
4. body:color = black;

7. How to write comments in CSS?
1. // comment goes here
2. /* comment goes here */
3. both 1 and 2
4. <!-- comment goes here -->

8. Which attribute that we use to set color for text?
1. color
2. text-color
3. font_color
4. bg-color

9. which code should we use to set bold for paragraph?
1. p {font-weight:bold;}
2. p {text-size:bold;}
3.<p style="text-size:bold;"></p>
4. <p style="font-size:bold;"></p>

10. How to display hyperlinks without an underline?
1. a {underline:none;}
2. a {text-decoration:none;}
3. a {text-underline:no-line;}
4. a {undeline:no-line;}

11. Which code we use to make text in capitals?
1. text-transform:capitals
2. text-transform:uppercase
3. text-form:high
4. text-form:capitals

12. Which attribute we use to set margin left side?
1. indent
2. margin-left
3. padding-left
4. space-left

13.  how to assign styles for an id element?
1.  by using #
2.  by using .(dot)
3.  by using $
4.  none

14. How to assign styles for class element?
1. by using #
2. by using .
3. by using $
4. none

15. If I write two styles for same Id which one will be executed?
1. first one.
2. second one.
3. both will be taken.
4. nothing will be taken.